Wednesday 23 November 2016


The word 'pithri' literally means father, but it refers to all one's anacestors. According to our mythology, the dead mortals will reach the abode meant for such souls, if they have had virtuous deeds to their credit. All such manes absorb with the seven deities there, named 'Pithris'. The names of these deities are

  1. Kavyavaaha, 
  2. anala, 
  3. Soama, 
  4. Yama, 
  5. Aryama, 
  6. Agnishvaaththa and 
  7. Barhishada. 
It is for the purpose of securing a place for parents and themselves as well in this abode that people observe penances and practice several austere procedures.

“Om Devatabhya Pitribhyascha Mahayogibhyeva Cha
Namah Swahayay Swadhayay Nityameva Namo Namah”

This mantra should be recited while performing all kinds of remedial acts such as offering 
  1. Pind Daan, 
  2. Gaya Shraddha or 
  3. Pitri Bhog to free oneself from Pitri Dosha.
There are 99 days in total for making offerings in a year (
  1. 12 death tithis, 
  2. 12 Amavasya, 
  3. 12 Purnima, 
  4. 12 Sankranti, 
  5. 12 Vaidhriti Yoga, 
  6. 24 Ekadashi and 
  7. 15 days of Shraddha). 


Do’s during the Pitru Paksha

During the Pitru Paksha period one  should perform fallowing things.
  • Must perform offering food and Tarpan rituals.
  • Perform Dana (charity).
  • Worshiping the deit.
  • Daily prayers like Sandhya and japa.
  • Fasting on Ekadashi.
  • Agni Hotram (Havan/ Homa).

Don’ts during the Pitru Paksha

Fallowing things are strictly prohibited during the Pitru Paksha
  • consuming any meat, alcohol and other intoxicants.
  • eating onion, garlic, outside food, processed foods, drumstick, etc.
  • buying and wearing new clothes.
  • getting a hair-cut.
  • performing weddings, Katha and Jhunda, Sacred thread ceremonies, and one cannot move into a new  house.
  • starting a new job.
  • starting a new business venture.
Reading Garuda Puraanam, Nachiketa story and Ganga Avataranam considered auspicious during this time.


Monday 27 June 2016

Number of generations

The number of generations that get liberated depends upon the stature of the devotee. In Srila Prabhupader Upadesamrta (“The Nectarean Instructions of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada”), the following fact is presented by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur.

  1. “When a great saint, a pure devotee, appears in a family, his ancestors and descendants for a *hundred* generations are elevated.
  2. When a devotee of middle stature (madhyam bhagavat) appears in a family, his ancestors and descendants for *fourteen* generations are elevated.
  3. When a neophyte devotee appears in a family, his ancestors and descendants for *three* generations are elevated.”

Friday 25 March 2016


Once Vasistha invited his arch enemy Vishwamitra for a feast on a Srardha day. On the day of Srardha, the departed souls are propitiated. Brahmins and saints were fed on the day. The guests are worshipped as the representatives of the departed souls. Vishvamitra promised to participate on one condition. He insisted that he must be served with 1008 curries (side dishes). Vasishta knew what he was up to. He told him that he would inform his ‘home minister’ Arundhati as she was in charge of the guests.

Vasishta informed Arundhati the condition laid by Vishwamitra. She did not bother. On the day of Srardha , Vishwamitra came and sat at the dining hall. But to his disappointment he saw only 10+ curries on the plate (plantain leaf). When he angrily questioned Vasishta, he told him to put the question to Arundhati as she was in charge of the ceremony. Before Vishwamitra questioned her, Arundhati recited a popular sloka (couplet) which made Vishwamitra speechless.
What did Arundhati tell him?
कारवल्लि शांत चैव वज्र वल्लि शतत्रयं
पनसं षट् शतंचैव श्रार्धकाले विधीयते
Kaaravalli satam chaiva vajra valli satatrayam
Panasam shat satam chaiva sraardhakaalE VidhiiyatE
“If someone serves at the time of Srardha, 
  1. is equal to 100 items,
  2. that is equal to 300 curry items 
  3. and that is equal to 600 items. 

That is the rule for the ceremony.”
She served these three vegetable dishes along with 8 more items on the plate. So it came to 1008 items. Vishwamitra was happy at the explanation from the chastest woman in the world. 
