Wednesday 23 June 2021


 JANAMEYAYA said:—How did the illustrious Aditya become the (presiding) deity of Srāddhas ? What is the most excellent mode of performing them? I wish to hear all this, O Vipra. (1).

What is the origin of the Pitris and who are they? We have heard from the conversation of the Brāhmanas that the Pitris (ancestral manes), stationed in heaven, are even the gods of the gods. This is said by those well read in the Vedas. I therefore wish to know this (2-3).

I wish to hear of the most excellent creation of Pitris, their various orders, their great strength, how are they propitiated by the Srāddhas performed by us, and how they, delighted, shower benedictions on us (4-5).

VAISHAMPAYANA said:—I will now describe to you the most excellent creation of the Pitris; how they are propititiated by Srāddhas performed by us and how they, being pleased, pour blessings on us.

Mārkandeya described this when he was accosted by Bhishma. The question, that you have asked me, was put to Bhishma by the pious king (Yudhisthira) when the former was lying on the bed of arrows (5-9).

YUDHISHTHIRA said:—O you conversant with virtue, how people, seeking nourishment, get it? By doing what do they not grieve I wish to hear this (9).

BHISHMA said:—O Yudhishthira, he, who propitiates the departed manes by the performance of Srāddhas that secure all desired for objects, who always performs them with a concentrated mind, attains to delight both in this world and in the next. The Pitris confer virtue on him who seeks it, children on him who wants them and nourishment on him who desires for it (10–11).

YUDHISTHIRA said:—The departed manes of some persons live in heaven, and those of others live in hell. The fruits of Karma, it is said, eternally exist with people.

Persons, in expectation of fruits, perform Srāddhas for their father, grand-father, and great-grand-father. How those offerings reach the ancestral manes (12–14)?

How can they, while living in hell, grant them the fruits (thereof)? Who are those ancestral manes? Who else are others? To whom do we offer our offerings (15)?

We have heard that even the gods, in the celestial region, dedicate offerings to the ancestral manes. I wish to hear all this at length O you of great offulgence (16).

You are endued with immeasurable intelligence, do you describe to me, how by making gifts to the ancestral manes we are released (from

worldly trammels) (17).

BHISMA said:—O slayer of foes, I shall describe to you what I have heard on this subject from my deceased father—who are those ancestral manes and who are others to whom we dedicate our offerings (18).

When on the occasion of my father's Srāddha I was about to offer him Pinda1 my father, rending assunder the earth, begged it of me with his hand (19).

His arm was adorned with bracelet and other ornaments—his fingers and palm were as red as I had seen them before (20).

Thinking that no such practice is seen in Kalpa2 I offered the Pinda at the Kusa grass, without any consi deration (21).

O sinless one, then my father delightedly said to me in sweet accents:—“O foremost of Bharatas, I have been blessed with a son like you, both in this world and the next-a good son, pious and learned as you are (22-23).

You are also of firm vows, O sinless one; with a view to lay down the religious practies of people, I issued this command (24).

As a man, observing the religious practices, is entitled to a fourth part of the virtue thereof, so a stupid person, transgressing them, is visited by one fourth of the sin (consiquent thereon) (25).

The subjects follow the example set by the king in religious practices (26).

O foremost of Bharatas, you have observed the practices laid down in the eternal Vedas and incomparable is my satisfaction therefore (27).

Greatly pleased with you I will confer upon you a most excellent boon-do you pray for it which it is hard to get in the three worlds (28).

As long as you will wish to live Death will not be able to extend his influence on you. When you will permit him he will overpower you then only (29).

O foremost of Bharatas, if there is any other boon which you wish to pray for, tell me and I shall grant it (30).”

On (my father) saying this, I, saluting him with folded hands, said “O most exalted person, with your being propitiated I have achieved all my objects (31).

O you of greateffulgence, if I am again entitled to a favour, I wish to put a question which I desire you to answer yourself (32).”

My virtuous-souled father then said to me “O Bhishma, tell me whatever you like. O Bhārata, I will remove your doubt about what you will ask me” (35).

Filled with curiosity I asked my father who had repaired to the region of the performers of good deeds and who then disappeared from that place (34).

BHISHMA said:—“I have heard that the ancestral manes are the gods of the gods. Are they the gods or they are others to whom we offer our adoration (35)?

How the Pindas offered at Srāddhas propitiate the Pitris who have gone to the other world? What are the fruits of a Srāddha (36)?

To whom the people, accompanied by the gods, Dānavas, Yākshas, Rākshasas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras and huge serpents, dedicate their offerings (37)?

O you conversant with virtue, I consider you as omniscient—I have grave doubts in this and great is my curiosity—do you explain it to me.” Hearing these words of Bhishma his father said (38).

SHANTANU said:—Hear, O sinless descendant of Bharata, I will describe in brief the origin of the Pitris and the fruits of Srāddhas. Do you hear with a concentrated mind the object of performing Srāddhas for the Pitris. The sons of the Prime Deity are known in heaven as Pitris (39–40).

The gods, Asuras, men, Yākshas, Rākshasas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras and huge serpents, dedicate offerings to them (41).

Propitiated by Srāddhas they please the world with the gods and the Gandharvas—such is the command of Brahmā (42).

Therefore, "O great one, worship them with excellent Srāddhas. They grant all desired-for objects and they will encompass your well-being (43).

When you will worship them by reciting their names and families, we also, O Bharata, will be welcomed by them in heaven (44).

Markandeya will explain to you the remaining portion. O descendant of Bharata, this ascetic, devoted to his father and having a knowledge of atman, is present to-day at the Srāddha for extending his favour unto me. Ask him, O great one, about this.” Saying this he disappeared (45–46).
