Tuesday 30 August 2022




When the legendary donor Karna died in the epic Mahabharata war, his soul transcended to heaven, he became plagued with extreme hunger, but any food he touched became gold instantly. Karna and Surya went to Indra and asked him about the cause of this incident. Indra told Karna that he had donated gold his entire life, but had never donated food to his ancestors in shraddha. Hence, the ancestors of kuru who were stuck in limbo cursed him, Karna said that since he was unaware of his ancestry, he never donated anything in their memory. To make amends, Karna was permitted to return to the earth for 15–day period, so that he could perform shraddha to them and donate food and water in their memory. This period is now known as Pitru Paksha. 


In some legends, Yama replaces Indra.






 An interesting story is told about the legendary physician Dhanwantri When he died, his disciples wanted to hold his Shradh . He had told them not to do so, but to eat his flesh so that they could become like him. As the disciples were preparing for that, Yama, the god of death appeared, and, fearing losing their souls, forbade them from eating the body. 


He cunningly told them to throw away the flesh that they had already cut out. This, the disciples did, and three other living beings ate it blessed with longevity were : the ants, 


kites / crows. Hence, the practice of feeding birds at Shradh time, when the souls of ancestors are said to visit homes as birds.


 and a woman from the so-called cobbler caste, named Cheta. Incidentally, even today, Vaids begin their prescription with the word “Cheta” to assure long life for their patients.








Thursday 25 August 2022


 Srihari will be in Pradyumna – Sankarshana – Vaasudeva – Aniruddha and Janardhana Roopa and will be called as ” anna – annada – annaada ( अन्न   अन्नद  अन्नाद ಅನ್ನ   ಅನ್ನದ  ಅನ್ನಾದ )

  1. He will be with the name “anna” in all the food items that we eat.
  2. He is called as “annada” – as he gives food for all animals/every one.
  3. He is called as “annaada” as he is vishwabhuk – that is, he eats the entire jagath during mahapralaya kaala
1. Swaaha – Mayapathi Vasudeva will give trupthi to devategalu

2. Swadhaa – Jayapathi Sankarshana will give trupthi to devategalu

3. Khadya, Peya, Lehya, ChoShya, – Kruthipathi pradyumna will give trupti to devategalu

4. TruNaadi – Shanthipathi anirudda will give trupti to devategalu.




We will not be knowing as to which loka, our pitru devategalu have gone.  


So, during Pitruyagna, “Saptanna prakarana” has been practiced by our ancesters.  We are giving saptanna.  Because of this “Yagna” named Srihari will give trupti to our pitrugalu.


“Saptanna”  ಸಪ್ತಾನ್ನ  in Pinda pradhana during Paksha/Shraddha –

सप्तान्न प्रकरण  (हरिकथामृतसार – पितृगणसंधि १४)
एळुविध अन्नप्रकरणव
केळि कोविदरास्यदिंदलि
आलसव माडदॆलॆ अनिरुद्धादि रूपगळ ।
कालकालदि नॆनॆदु पूजिसु
स्ठूलमतिगळिगिदनु पेळदॆ
श्रीलकुमिवल्लभनॆ अन्नादन्न अन्नदनु ॥

“Saptanna prakaraNa” is found in BruhadaraNyak upanishat.  Acharya Madhwa has given the explanation in detail in his bhashya on Bruhadaranyakopanishat.    As per that Paramathma prepares SEVEN annaas viz., मनस्सु, वाक्, प्राण, अन्न, बलि, होम, गोक्षीर –   ಮನಸ್ಸು, ವಾಕ್, ಪ್ರಾಣ, ಅನ್ನ, ಬಲಿ, ಹೋಮ, ಗೋಕ್ಷೀರ.

.  Out of them, he keeps मनस्सु, वाक्, प्राण with himself.  That is why if we do the smarpana of मनस्सु, वाक्, इंद्रिय,  that will be Mahanaivedya to him.   Fourth अन्न (anna) –  reserved for gods.  As such, if one eats अन्न  without doing the samarpana to gods, he will be treated as one who steals the devasva brahmasva and would be akshayapataki.   Fifth & Sixth बलि, होम, are anna for gods.  Seventh गोक्षीर is visheshanna – animals are grown with the milk of their mother only (calf growing from her cow’s milk) –  In this way we have to do the upasana of Saptanna.

The seven kinds of ANNA ಅನ್ನ  are further described as :
1. Sadharana anna – ಸಾಧಾರಣ ಅನ್ನ One should think the food is created for all to eat but not only to him.  It is created by God for the benefit of all.  When food is taken like this, then the God would be pleased.
2. Vaishwadeva anna – ವೈಶ್ವದೇವ ಅನ್ನ –  With the Akara of Swara offered to gods, by stating “Brahmane swaha”, – this food is offered to devataas through AGNI.
3. Baliharana anna – ಬಲಿಹರಣ ಅನ್ನ – For the pitru through pitru devataas stating “sva dhaayai na mama na mama” “स्व धायै न मम न मम”
4. Manas Anna –  ಮಾನಸ ಅನ್ನ – Keeping the mind in paramathma in his lotus foot and doing the karmas as bhagavat sankalpa.  Completely understanding the jeeva is dependent and paramathma is staying in us and doing the job.  We have to do the chintana as “naham karta hari: kartha”.  “नाहम् कर्त हरि: कर्थ” This is called as “manas anna”.
5. Vak anna – ವಾಕ್ ಅನ್ನ – The words spoken.    We should speak only to glorify Srihari and other gods.  We must understand that Paramathma is in us and and making us to speak.  This is Vak annapuja to Srihari.
6. Sharira anna – ಶರೀರ ಅನ್ನ Karmas done by the sharira.  Performance of Yagna, aradhana, controlling our mind, vak for Srihari.
7. Milk – ಹಾಲು – Anna is milk and water – Water is created by God for the animals and human for living.  Milk created for our additional food and for devatas for using in homa.




 अग्नौकरणेन देवस्था: । स्वर्गस्था: विप्रभोजने ।

यमस्था: पिंडदानेन ।नरके विकिरेण तु । उच्छिष्टेन च पैशाचा: ।

असुरा: भूरिभोजनात् ।  दक्षिणेन मनुष्याद्या: ।

During Shraddha/Paksha, we have to give seven types of “Anna” to pitru Devategalu.  After the death, Pitru Devategalu will hve ashraya in one among the seven loka ashrayaas, viz.,   a) Devaloka,   b) Svargaloka,  c) Yamaloka,  d) Naraka Loka,  e) Paishachika Loka  f) Asura Loka g) Maanushya loka

Devaloka – अग्नौकरणेन देवस्था: । –  If our Pitru devategalu are in Devaloka – through Vaishwadeva and Agnikarya, etc., they will be stisfied by our Agnoukaranaakya anna, – with the svaaha roopa done in Vaishwadeva homa – aahuti roopa anna.

Svargaloka – स्वर्गस्था: विप्रभोजने । –  If our Pitru Devategalu are in Swarga loka, Brahmana Bhojanaakya anna will satisfy them.  During Shraddha, we are giving bhojana to brahmanaas.  With these, they will be satisfied.

Yamaloka – यमस्था: पिंडदानेन । –  If our Pitru Devategalu are in Yamaloka, they will be satisfied with pindapradana roopa anna.

Naraka loka – नरके विकिरेण तु । –  If our Pitru Devategalu are in Naraka Loka, they will be satisfied with the VikiraaKya anna (i.e., tila tarpana)

Paishachika Janma – उच्छिष्टेन च पैशाचा: । –  If they are in Paishachika Janma, with the Uchchista pinda, they will be satisfied

asura Janma – असुरा: भूरिभोजनात् । – If they are in asura janma, with the bhoori bhojana, (i.e., the bhojana for the other relations and friends), they will be satisfied.

maanushya janma – दक्षिणेन मनुष्याद्या: । –  If our pitru devategalu are in maanushya janma, the pitru devategalu will be satisfied with the dakshine given to the brahmana and suvasiniyaru.







a.   We must not brush our teeth

b.  We must not eat taamboola

c.  We must not take oil bath

d.  On shraddha day, we must observe brahmacharya

e.  Medicines to be used only if it is inevitable.

f.  Rathri bhojana nishiddha

g. Previous day night also bhojana nishiddha

h. After completion of pooja, we must take nirmalya only.

i.  Theertha can be taken only after completion of shraddha, giving it to brahmana suvasiniyaru.

j.  Only one meals per day during entire paksha maasa for those who are not having father.

k. Morning, Sandhyavandana, Pooja to be done, then only Tarpana to be given

l.  Tarpana to be given from Nirmalya Tirtha

m. Tila Tarpana to be given with Pavitra dharana or atleast nirmalya tulasi. 







 Dwadasha Pitrugalu means 12 pitrugalu, viz.,

a.  Pitruvarga   – pitru traya – Pitru, pitaamaha, prapitaamaha

b.  Matruvarga – matru traya – Matru, Pitamahi, prapitaamahi

c.  Maataamaha varga – maataamaha, maatu:pitaamaha; maatu:prapitaamaha

d.  Maataamahi varga – maataamahi, maatu:pitaamahi; maatu:prapitaamahi

Paternal Side (Father’s side pitrugalu)

  1. Pithram (Father) (vasu roopam) ತಂದೆ – ವಸುರೂಪ
  2. Pithamaham (Grand Father – Father’s father) (rudra roopam) ತಂದೆಯ ತಂದೆ  – ಪಿತಾಮಹ – ರುದ್ರ ರೂಪ
  3. Prapithamaham (Great Grand Father- Father’s paternal grand father) (Aditya roopam) – ಪ್ರಪಿತಾಮಹ – ತಂದೆಯ ತಾತ (ತಂದೆಯ ತಂದೆಯ ತಂದೆ)
  4. Maatharam (Mother) (vasu roopam) – ತಾಯಿ – ಮಾತರಂ
  5. Pitamahim – (Grand Mother. i.e., father’s mother) (Rudra Roopam) – ತಂದೆಯ ತಾಯಿ (ಪಿತಾಮಹಿ) ರುದ್ರರೂಪ
  6. Prapithamahim (Great Grand Mother- Fathers paternal Grand Mother) (aditya roopam) ಪ್ರಪಿತಾಮಹಿಂ – ತಂದೆಯ ತಂದೆಯ ತಾಯಿ – ಆದಿತ್ಯರೂಪ
  7.  Saapatni Janani (Step Mother, if any)(vasu roopam) ಮಲತಾಯಿ

 Maternal Side (Mother’s side Pitrugalu)

  1. 8. Maataram (Mother)(vasu roopam) ತಾಯಿ – ವಸುರೂಪ
  2. 9. Maatamaham (Grand Father-Mother’s father) (vasu roopam) ತಾಯಿಯ ತಂದೆ
  3. 10. Maathu Pitamaham (Great Grand Father-Mother’s paternal grand father)(rudraroopam) – 
  4. 11. Maathu Prapithamaham (Great Great Grand Father-Mother’s paternal G.Grand father)(Aditya roopam)
  5. 12. Maatamahim (Mother’s mother)
  6. 13. Maathu Pitaamahim (Mothers paternal grand mother)
  7. 14. Maathu Prapithamahim (Mother’s paternal Great Grand Mother)

Other Pitrugalu 

  1. Atma Pathnim (Wife/wives) ಹೆಂಡತಿ
  2. Tanayaadi – Sutham (son/s) ಮಗ
  3. Bhratharam (brother/s) ಸಹೋದರ
  4. Tatpatneem (brother’s wife/s) ಸಹೋದರನ ಹೆಂಡತಿ (ಅತ್ತಿಗೆ, ನಾದಿನಿ)
  5. Pithravyam  (Father’s brothers) ತಂದೆಯ ಅಣ್ಣತಮ್ಮಂದಿರು
  6. Tatpatneem (uncle’s wife/s) ತಂದೆಯ ಅಣ್ಣತಮ್ಮಂದಿರ ಹೆಂಡತಿ/ಯರು
  7. Mathula (Maternal Uncle/s) ಸೋದರ ಮಾವ
  8. Tatpatneem (Their wife/s) ಸೋದರ ಮಾವನ ಹೆಂಡತಿ
  9. Duhitharam (Self daughter) ಮಗಳು
  10. Tadbhartaaram (Her husband – Jamaatha) ಅಳಿಯ
  11. Dauhitharam (Daughter’s son) ಮೊಮ್ಮಗ (ಮಗಳ ಮಗ)
  12. Atma Bhagini (Sister/s) ಸಹೋದರಿ
  13. Tadbhartaaram (Her husband) ಸಹೋದರಿಯ ಗಂಡ – ಭಾವ
  14. Tatputram (Her sons – Bhagineeyam) ಸಹೋದರಿಯ ಮಕ್ಕಳು
  15. Pithruswasa (Father’s sister) ತಂದೆಯ ಸಹೋದರಿ
  16. Tatpatneem (Her husband) ತಂದೆಯ ಸಹೋದರಿಯ ಗಂಡ
  17. Maathuswasa (Mother’s sister) ತಾಯಿಯ ಸಹೋದರಿ
  18. Tatpateem (Her husband) ತಾಯಿಯ ಸಹೋದರಿಯ ಗಂಡ
  19. Jaayaapita (Father-in-law)
  20. jaamaata (Mother-in-law)
  21. Shalaka/Bhavuka (Brother-in-law) ಹೆಂಡತಿಯ ಅಣ್ಣತಮ್ಮಂದಿರು
  22. Tatpatneem (Their wife/wives)
  23. Gurum (Vidya Guru)
  24. Tatpatneem (Guru patnee)
  25. Achaaryam (Purohit/priest)
  26. Tatpatneem (His spouce/s)
  27. Shishyam (Disciple)
  28. Aptam (Friend)

If name is not known Yagnamma for ladies and Yagnappa for gents to be used.If Gotra is not known, then Kashyapa Gotra to be used.  For Gents Gotram and for women Gotraam to be used. For Gents’ name “Sharmanam” and for ladies “Daam” to be added



  1. 12 Amavaasye
  2. 12 Vaidhruthi
  3. 14 manvaadi
  4. 12 vyatipaata
  5. 4 yugaadi
  6. 15 Mahalaya
  7. 12 Sankramana
  8. 15 Ashtaka


TOTAL 96 roopa of paramathma will be there in these 96 shraadhaas.








पिता ददाति सत्पुत्रान् गोधनानि पितामह: ।

धनदाता भवेत्सोपि यस्तस्य प्रपितामह: ।

दद्याद्विपुलमन्नाद्यं वृद्धस्तु प्रपितामह: ।

तृप्ता: श्राद्धेन ते सर्वे दत्वा पुत्रस्य वांछितं ।


pitaa dadaati satputraan gOdhanaani pitaamaha: |

dhanadaataa bhavEtsOpi yastasya prapitaamaha: |

dadyaadvipulamannaadyam vRuddhastu prapitaamaha: |

tRuptaa: shraaddhEna  tE sarvE datvaa putrasya vaanCitam|

By doing the shraddha/paksha, father will bless you with satputraas (good yogya children).  Your Pitamaha, i.e., grand father will bless you with go-dhana (cow-wealth), Prapitamaha (Great grand father – ಮುತ್ತಜ್ಜ) will bless with property and wealth.  


They also bless us with Food, shelter, wealth, grains, etc.

Dhanyam dhanam pashum bahuputra labham




Monday 22 August 2022


The following eighteen names should be repeated at the time of the holy dip. The man (i.e. the devotee) should repeat them everywhere at the time of Sraddha. 

The names are: 

(1) Tamra, (2) Rasya, (3) Payovaha, (4) Pitrpritiprada, (5) Subha, (6) Sasyamala, (7) Mahasindhu, 

(8) Datur-Datri, (9) Prthustuta, (10) Kanya (daughter) of Indra-dyumna, (11) Ksitijanma, (12) Iravatl, 

(13) Mahlparna, (14) Mahisrnga, (15) Ganga, (16) Pascimavahini (17) Nadi and (18) Rajanadi. 

These names have been mentioned by Prthu. 


A person who repeats these names shall go to the region of Yajnamurti (i.e. Visnu in the form of Yajfia). 




Saturday 20 August 2022

Pitrs to Narada to Dharmavarma



 The qualities of a respectable transaction mentioned as Shraddha (श्रद्धा) are outlined in this section. In the Taittiriya Upanisad, the Guru imparts the student to be charitable. It mentions various conditions of charity

ये के चास्मच्छ्रेयाँसो ब्राह्मणाः तेषां त्वयाऽऽसनेन प्रश्वसितव्यम् । श्रद्धया देयम् । अश्रद्धयाऽदेयम् । श्रिया देयम् । ह्रिया देयम् । भिया देयम् । संविदा देयम् । अथ यदि ते कर्मविचिकित्सा वा वृत्तविचिकित्सा वा स्यात् ॥ ३ ॥

ye ke cāsmacchreyām̐so brāhmaṇāḥ teṣāṁ tvayā''sanena praśvasitavyam । śraddhayā deyam । aśraddhayā'deyam । śriyā deyam । hriyā deyam । bhiyā deyam । saṁvidā deyam । atha yadi te karmavicikitsā vā vr̥ttavicikitsā vā syāt ॥ 3 ॥

  1. Give with respect/honour (Sraddha deyam)
  2. Don’t give with disrespect/dishonour
  3. Give according to one’s prosperity/capacity
  4. Give with modesty
  5. Give with awe and respect
  6. Give with fellow-feeling and friendly attitude

In the Mahabharata, story of Shibi Chakravarti is narrated wherein he explained that he does not give dana for prestige or gain. He gives dana only because it is the righteous path of dharma, on which the best have always walked.
